
How Low Testosterone and Aging Intersect with Male Sexual Dysfunction


Low Testosterone (male hypogonadism, also known as male hypogonadotropic) is an ailment where the testes (male reproductive glands) don’t produce enough natural testosterone (a male hormone). In males, testosterone helps develop and maintain: Muscle mass, sexual drive, and stamina. It also contributes to normal hair growth, muscle strength, and the development of prostate tissue. The majority of men will encounter some degree of this condition throughout their lives. However, for some men, low testosterone levels can be very serious – leading to conditions such as erectile dysfunction, decreased sperm count, infertility, and even cancer.

If you are experiencing these symptoms then you may be having Low Testosterone (Males), but you should still see your doctor as soon as possible to confirm the diagnosis. Low Testosterone (Males) occurs in both men and women and generally occurs because of decreased production in the testes or possibly the ovaries. Men may have symptoms of Low Testosterone even if they are not suffering from male hypogonadism. For example, many men may experience low testosterone levels as they age. In this case, symptoms like decreased sexual desire, decreased energy, moodiness, depression, and muscle mass loss may be present.

There are several other common symptoms of low testosterone in males. These include conditions that affect the pituitary gland, which produces the hormone; diseases that affect the kidneys and other organ systems; and neurological disorders. The symptoms of low testosterone may cause erectile dysfunction in some men. Other conditions that can contribute to low levels are hypothyroidism, chemotherapy, chronic pain, diabetes, and multiple sclerosis.

While there are many causes of Low Testosterone, there is also a strong genetic component to some cases of deficiency. One of the most common genetic causes is hypogonadism, which refers to a condition where the testicles do not descend correctly from the abdomen. This often leads to reduced levels of testosterone in the body, although other hormones may still be produced to balance out the levels. Another genetic cause of low levels of testosterone is obesity.

There are several ways to test for Low Testosterone. The most commonly used test is the digital rectal exam, or DRE. This test measures the amount of testosterone levels in the rectum using a tiny handheld instrument called a micro penis penile device. Your doctor will use this tool as he inspects your anus. Other methods of testing for Low Testosterone in men include fasting plasma samples, blood panels, nerve cells, and scalp growth tests.

There are many ways to treat Low Testosterone. You can take medications like Levitra or Cialis to reduce the levels of testosterone in your body. You can also take Minoxidil or Rogaine to stimulate your pituitary gland to produce more testosterone. You could also try a variety of natural treatments, including herbs, minerals and vitamins like Zinc and magnesium. Low Testosterone often results in erectile dysfunction, but it rarely results in bone loss. Blood thinners like warfarin are sometimes recommended for those with high levels of Low Testosterone.

Low Testosterone is a common problem that many men face. Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone that controls reproductive functions such as impotence and infertility. Excess Testosterone has many negative effects on the male body including weak bone density, decreased sperm count, reduced muscle mass and strength, and lower sperm mobility. In addition, excess Testosterone can damage the sensitive nerves found in the testicles causing acromegalia or testicular atrophy. All these negative effects of high Testosterone levels have been known for years and recent research is revealing more about how these issues are related to age.

As men get older their Testosterone levels decrease due to a number of factors including decreased exercise ability, hormonal changes, and decreased liver enzyme levels. When men are diagnosed with low testosterone levels, they typically receive testosterone replacement therapy. Unfortunately, often times this does not improve things. Doctors may prescribe anti-androgens like saw palmetto and ginseng to try and balance out low levels of Testosterone in men, but often times these supplements only relieve the symptoms and do not address the underlying causes of the condition.

Other symptoms of low testosterone include decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, fatigue, mood swings, osteoporosis, and high blood pressure. If a man experiences one or more of these symptoms it is important to talk to his doctor. He will be able to refer you to a specialist that can help treat your condition. Often times doctors will prescribe testosterone to increase libido and improve sexual functioning. While this may help to some extent it does not address the underlying causes of the problem and may only mask the symptoms.

A doctor may also recommend Testosterone Supplements to help treat the condition. These supplements are relatively new and are still quite controversial. Some claim that these supplements help to balance out the levels of Testosterone within the body and prevent the negative side effects associated with low testosterone levels. However, there is no direct evidence that these supplements reduce the levels of Testosterone, only they decrease the levels of Luteinizing hormone (LH). So basically when taking these supplements they are acting as a hormone in the body and since they have effects on the brain similar to those of Testosterone, they can actually result in a decrease in certain mental abilities.

While these supplements may help with some symptoms of low testosterone, their main function is to maintain elevated levels of Luteinizing hormone (LH) so that males will be able to maintain a high level of sex drive and remain in good health. As soon as the Luteinizing hormone levels decrease it can lead to reduced sex drive and a decreased libido. It is true that some individuals who suffer from Luteinizing hormone related disorders have experienced increases in sex drive after beginning an oral supplement regimen. However, most such patients require multiple doses of testosterone supplementation to achieve the desired results.

If you have already attempted natural testosterone replacement therapy or another hormonal replacement therapy and still experiencing symptoms of low testosterone, do not become too concerned. It is not likely that your doctor will recommend testosterone therapy as a treatment option. If all else fails, you could consider having a blood test performed to determine the levels of testosterone in your blood. It is important to have normal testosterone levels to maintain optimal health. A doctor will be able to determine if you need testosterone therapy or if you are just experiencing low testosterone symptoms.

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